Friday, November 19, 2010

"The Three Amigos"

The Cheese Cake pictures! For some reason it always ends up this way! It must be a Wretling Thing!!!!!
Walker, Taylor and Mark! Three years ago!

The Real Cowboy! Tom Scheurn!!!!

It is the time in the year that the Gilbert Rodeo is in town!!!
A few of my kids love to go but for some reason they think they need to dress in cowboy attire for the rodeo!
We all know the difference between a real "COWBOY"... Like Tom Scheurn and Walker, Rhett and their friends!!!
But why do Walker, Rhett and there friends, think they need to dress up like a cowboy to go to the rodeo?? Just because my boys ride horses does not mean they are "Real Cowboys"! I am sure they will disagree with this! And why do they all have to go into Tom's closet???
So Rhett went to his dads closet last night and borrowed a few things to wear to the rodeo! I did not see Rhett and his friends when they left but.... Did get to see them when they came home!
I laughed all night just seeing them!
Here is the problem though...
They thought they looked like cowboys but I think they looked more like the
"Three Amigos"!!!
Funny thing these boys have been best "Amigos" for a long time! They all have wrestled together and have been the best of Amigos"!
I am happy they had such a great time but.... I told them when they go back tonight for the rodeo.... They should for-go their cowboy attire because....
Rhett, Heath and Ivan looked more like the "Three Amigos" more than a cowboy!
They need to leave the "Real Cowboying " to Tom Scheurn!!!

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