Today was an exciting day for Thomas Walker Scheurn! Today Walker graduated from C.O.T.A. This stands for "Correctional Office Training Academy"!
Walker has spent the last seven weeks in Tucson at C.O.T.A. in intense, long, hot days training to become an Correctional Officer.
When Walker told me about six months or so ago that he was thinking about becoming a Correctional Officer... I said to him"Over my dead body"! Walker just bought a new house in Queen Creek and is in school! He explained to me that he could work a swing shift or grave yard shift and still go to school full time! Also the benefits are very good and he felt like this was a good move for him while going to school and after buying a new home! I could understand what he was saying but yet... I do not think any mom wants a child to be a Correctional Officer at the Florence prison!
Walker has always worked hard at what ever he does! He looks for opportunities to move forward in his life! He seems to always look ahead!
Before Walker bought his home, he told me he was going to move to an apartment or rent a room from a friend! As we talked about this I said to him,"Why would you want to move out when you have the whole basement to your self". I tried to explain to him that he might have a hard time paying for his schooling and an apartment with the job he had! I told him there was no need for him to move and to just stay at our house until he was done with school or gets married! I also said to him, you have many many more years to pay for your own home or apartment! Not to mention the fact how much Pops and I enjoy being with him! After all of this explaining I felt sure he would agree and stay home! Walker calmly looked at me and said... "But mom I am not progressing by living here at home"! He continued to explain that he had been home from his mission for two and a half years and he needed to go to the next page and move forward and continue to try to progress! He said that he did not want to stand still or go backwards! What do you say to that!!! I will tell you in the short time that he has been gone from our home.... Pops, Rhett and I miss him so much! I am having a hard time "cutting the apron strings"! It is all I can do not to tell him he needs to call me AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!!!
Walkers house is so cute and we are so happy for him! I just want to go over there and put things where I think they should be or do a little decorating! But Pops and I have stayed out of his way and have let him figure it out!
So back to C.O.T.A.! I know this was not easy getting through the academy! I did not think I would be so emotional at his graduation! I know Walker has kept many things from me that has gone on at the Academy! I will say I am thankful for that! Not only do they put the Cadets through a difficult physical program but also a difficult mental program! They get certified to carry a concealed weapon. They learn how to do cell extractions. They learn how to be the lead officer in a S.W.A.T. team. They spend a lot of time teaching the Cadets about looking for certain behaviors that will put an officer in a very dangerous situations! The Commander said at graduation that all the training that the Cadets have had for the last eight weeks, is not in case an officer come into a bad situation... But when he or she DOES encounter a dangerous situation! They have had training on things we would never even think about because we are not criminals and we do not think the same way the inmates think! A lot of inmates have been given life sentences and they do not have much to loose and will not think twice in hurting someone! Basically it is an intense boot camp with ten hour days! During these weeks they are exposed to tear gas and pepper spray and tazing. I felt so bad for the Cadets that went through all of this training and still did not graduate! Walker said out of 34 Cadets 9 did not graduate! I said to Walker, "how sad would that be" and Walkers response was "Mom If I call for help I want the BEST to come, someone that is well trained"! I understand now why the training is so intense!
Walker by far was the cutest Cadet and.... Pops and I are so proud of him!
When Tom and I pray in the morning and at night together, as all parents we pray for ALL of our kids and their families. But Walker, I want you to know we will pray a little more for you as you put your self in harms way to help protect this world from those who have already harmed someone or themselves! We will carry a constant prayer in out heart for your safety, as you move forward in your life with this job. I will also pray this will be a job that will get you through school and then you will be done with it!!!!!!
Walker we LOVE you SO MUCH and we are SO PROUD of you!!!! BE SAFE!!!!!
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