Saturday, July 17, 2010

Be Still...

This past week has been such a hard trying week for me! There have been so many ups and downs that I do not know if all the tears I have shed this week are happy or sad! Not to mentions it has been so hot outside that I feel like every time I go outside I am in HELL!!
At the beginning of the week a dear friend of mine husband passed away unexpectedly. It was a shock to all! So I have spent most of the week with her. She lives in a nursing home and being there can be depressing.
Then my sister in California called me to tell me what was going on in her family and it was so sad! I don't know how much more Stacy can take!
On Thursday night I had to give a 30 minute presentation about my calling to all 12 Bishops in my stake! I was so worried I would not be able to help these Bishops understand addictions and out-of-wedlock pregnancies! But I left that meeting feeling like I did well and the Bishops seem to understand the importance of 12 steps gospel based meetings! I also feel like these Bishops will look at out-of-wedlock pregnancies in a different light!
I have also thought about my nephew Sam that passed away at this time two years ago. We miss him and think of him often! Sam we love you!
I also received a call from my friend in New York to tell me her mother passed away.
This week needs to be OVER!!
As this week comes to a end I will say there is not a a muscle or joint that does not feel like there are on fire and the pain is draining!
BUT... Through this week I have felt the Lord's arm around me the whole time! He has given me the strength to endure long stressful days. I have witnessed His hands in all things! I Know without Him my presentation would not of gone as well as it did! I know I would of not been able to have all these LONG days without His help! I have also watched as my girlfriends rely on the Lord to get them through the passing of their loved ones.
I have thought all week about "What would I do if I did not have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior"? Who would I rely on? Even though I do not feel good a lot of the time He continues to bless me every day!
There is a saying that reads "Stand still and let the Lord fight for you.... and hold on to your peace"! This is what I have hung on to all week! I am thankful for the knowledge to know that My Father in Heaven knows me and loves me! I know the Savior feels every physical and emotional pain I have and the pain that everyone else has!! I am extra thankful for these times in my life where things are hard but yet.... Some way I still can "Stand Still and have Peace"
Kim, Stacy, Genell and Ginger I want you to know I love you and pray you can be STILL and have Peace!

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