Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sleep Over At Pops and Grammies!

Grand kids, what do you do with them and what would you do with out them!
Pops and Grammy had a sleep over Friday night with Blake's and Tanya's kids so they could have a long date night! Now let me tell you this, it was fun "Most of the Time" but there were a few moments when Tom and I looked at each other and said what the "Hell" were we thinking when we agreed to this!
It is so funny how out of ten grand kids, each one is so different in their own ways!
Lets start with our tender Gavin , he is 7. He is so smart and wants to be so close to you and want to sit right by you with his arms around you and tell you how pretty you are! What Grammy would not love that! He is a book boy, he loves to look and read books! Gavin loves soccer and basketball, and with his height no one will shoot over him!I think he will be six and a half feet tall someday!
Lucy... where do I start with her! She is 5. Lucy doesn't like to stay at Grammies to much and she is very independent! Lucy will give me looks that could kill, (she gets that from her mom) if I say something she does not agree with! She LOVES her mommy and daddy and is a mommy and daddy girl! She also LOVES her "Pet Shop" toys and will share them Elle like a good big sister would! Lucy also plays soccer and basketball and again she has the "Tall" genes,who knows she might be a basketball star like her mom was in high school!
OK Miss Elle she is 3! Elle is so funny and she is a Grammies girl! She loves me no matter! She has this "Froggy" voice like Posey had when she was little! Elle loves her flower blanket and her thumb!! One thing I love about Elle is she thinks Grammies is funny and I love that because all the Grand kids think Pops hung the moon and is hilarious, but Elle thinks I am just as funny! She loves to talk and she pronounce her "C" like a "T" so she told me the other night that "She wanted to sleep with the "Tuptake Pillow" and she also told me that her her babysitter had a "Tute Tiddy"! She cracks me up and she is a great big sister to Gage or as she calls him "Gager"
Speaking of Gage, He is all action! You better have your eye on him or he will be on the kitchen table! I do have to say that he is a snuggle bug and has the cutest smile ever! His eyes are so blue and I can tell you this he is going to be one huge lineman but I am hoping he will be a heavy weight wrestler!
We loved spending the time with them all and I feel bad Pops had to go to work at 6:30 because I know that they were all disappointed that they did not get to have Pops Pancakes so they will have to come back and have pancakes and that does not mean stay the night again... it means just come over one morning or evening and have pancakes! We love you all!

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