Friday, December 9, 2011

Are you there!!!!!

I had not received Rhett's letter on Wednesday and was so sad thinking, maybe he could not email that Wednesday. Anyone that knows me well, knows that Wednesday has became my most favorite day of the week, since this is the day Rhett emails.
I was up early and first things first I checked for Rhett's letter! NO LETTER! I WAS SO SAD!!!
Now it was about 9:00am, so it would of been about 6:00 pm for Rhett in Italy, So I felt pretty sure Rhett would not be emailing! My phone rang and I could not get to it. It just kept ringing  and ringing. So finally I ran in to get it and it was Tom saying an email just came through from Rhett! He said if I hurried maybe I could catch Rhett on the internet! So of course I hopped on my computer and emailed Rhett! All I said was...
To my surprise this was his response....
im here i love you! 
So of course like a disobedient mother, I continued to try and email him with NO RESPONSE!!!! I tried several time! Tom had text me and told Rhett had just emailed him, so I knew Rhett was still on the computer!!
Like a crazy missionary mom I continued to try and email him for the next 30 minutes with...NO RESPONSE!
I have to say I was some what ticked that I knew he was on the computer but yet would not talk with me!
Now that I think about it I am so grateful for such an obedient son! As I have thought more on it his few word,
im here i love you....I thought about my Heavenly Father and my Savior! So simple. There have been so many times when I have said to THEM...ARE YOU THERE!!!!!! Even though I know they are just a prayer away.... If I would stop and recognize THEIR arms I round me,...If I would listen to THEIR will....If I would surrender completely to THEM!! If I would just stop and listen....I would hear both my Heavenly Father and Savior here i love you!!!!  Yet lately I have a hard time hearing!
I am so thankful for....For my Savior! There are no words that would be adequate, to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for sending his only Begotten Son to atone for MY sins! How could I ever think....ARE YOU THERE...When I know without my Savior I would not have ETERNAL life! How could I ever think ARE YOU THERE....when I look around and no matter how hard things can be....I AM SO BLESSED, with a wonderful earthly family, with dear sweet friends! I am blessed to live where I live!! I am blessed to have a temple so close! I am so blessed to have a son that is serving a full time mission with a extra happy heart and that works so hard to bring the people of Italy to Christ! I am so blessed to have five great children! I am so blessed to have 11 beautiful grand children! I am so blessed to have a wonderful worthy son bless his new baby last Sunday! I am so blessed to have another son be married in the temple next month! Every where I look BLESSINGS!!!!  Most of all I am so blessed to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. For the knowledge it gives me! That I am a daughter of God who LOVES me, who knows me and my desires, who knows my heart and will forgive me when I am ungrateful and wonders sometimes...ARE YOU THERE?
I know my Heavenly Father and Savior do live...and they are right here with me! I know THEY both are  telling me.... im here i love...I just need to stop and listen!!

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