In the past few weeks for some reason or another I have been some what....
Stressed, confused, depressed and sad and just physically not feeling well at all!
As I try and talk to Tom about things, he just does not seem to understand what I am saying! He thinks I just worry way to much for no reason at all! If the truth be know we have even just argued over several things! This is so unsettling to me because usually Tom will eventually understand things when I take the time to explain my feelings to him and when he sits long enough to listen to me and.... my reasons for my concerns. When he takes the time to explain to me.... sometimes I do understand and some times I don't..... Why is this!
I have always know that women and mothers think completely different than men and fathers! In the Family Proclamation it states....
The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.
I have read this many times! When I read this I see that as men and women and fathers and mothers we both have some of the same responsibilities but yet.... There is a difference as well!
Men and fathers are to provide for there family and women and mothers are to nurture. Even if you do not have your own children it is just what women do.... most of the time.
I know there are many women that have to work outside of there home as well and I commend those that do both! But I feel like our roles as a women was a divine gift given to us. Women and mothers are just more in tuned to the needs of our children and others! In our calling as a women we have the ability to act on the prompting of our hearts! We as women just know when something is wrong with one of our kids or someone who is close to us!
I know there are some men who try and do the best they can BUT... Men and fathers just do not always get things the way women do. Not saying this is such a bad thing because like the proclamation states it really is not their role.... Men play a different part in rearing a family.
This has really been on my mind for the last few weeks!
I did not really feel like going to church yesterday but decided I needed to go.... There was a young man, who I do not know and new in our ward.... that bore his testimony about this exact thing. He was one of the last to share his testimony. He spoke of his wife and how much he loved her! He said that he had met her when she was 14 and he was 15 and by the time they turned 16 they started dating. He went on to say from that moment on they either spoke everyday or wrote everyday. He did not go into details of his mission at all or details about their children but went on to say how without his wife he would be unable to be in the Celestial Kingdom. He referred to her as a divine gift. He said with out her he would not understand his children as well and that she helped him be such a better person because of the insight she had as a great women, wife and mother! This man was soft spoken but felt so strongly about what he testified of! There were no tears, he spoke with such strength and knowledge. He referred to Elder Scott's talk from conference! I too LOVED Elder Scott's talk!
So back to the difference between men and women and fathers and mothers! I just want to say to men and fathers when a women or a wife says something is wrong with a child of theirs or someone that is close to them.... Know that as women and mothers we have a divine calling from the Lord and we have a insight that men do not have! When we say we have a "gut feeling" usually we are right! We feel our children's pain. We as women, mothers, wives, sisters have been blessed with a divine calling and I am so thankful for this calling! Even though it is really hard sometime I would not change my role as a wife and mother! I have been so blessed with five wonderful children and a wonderful husband who I love very much and I am so thankful for my life and calling as a divine daughter of God!