This was an extra special Mothers Day this year for a few reasons!The week before Mothers Day Tom and I had a chance to go to the Temple together and share some precious moments to- gether as we did sealings as I said in my last post. As we sat in the Temple we reflected back on our life together as parents. As the week went on and as Mothers Day approach Tom asked me several times what he could get me for for a gift! I always say the same thing, nice lotion or blinging flip-flops! When my kids asked me what I wanted, I told them what I always tell them, I always say I would love a hand written note! There is no better gift for any occasion than a hand written note! That is what I love the most! So over the years I have received many beautiful notes that I have kept in a huge three ring binder, each one in a plastic page protector. A few years ago I had to start an other binder to hold all special notes from Tom, the kids, and dear friends! It is one of my favorite things to do to go back and read letters, notes and cards from Tom and my kids that they have written to me! A few days before Mothers Day I got out the binder that had ever letter that Joe ever wrote to me and the family, while serving his mission! In this book also there are letters from people who Joe served on his mission and letters from other Elders that served with Joe! There were letters from his Mission President in this book as well! What more could a mother ask for! I also have a book from Walkers mission as well, that has many many letters from those he served and from companions and from his Mission President and people he served.! What a blessing it is to go back and read these letters and to feel the love and spirit that Tom and my kids have given me through the many years! As hard as it can be at times to see your kids struggle through stumbling blocks, I would not give motherhood up for anything! I do have to say there have been times when I have asked my self what was I thinking when I had five kids! It is funny how you think being a mom with lots of little kids is hard, actually
that is not the hard time! I feel like some time the older year kids are the bigger the problem. I do know that if we remain true and faithful we can go through the stumbling blocks and use then for building blocks! I am not saying it is easy but ....we can do it! Motherhood ,I think ,is by far the hardest thing we as women can do but also the most rewarding! I heard Elder Holland say "there would be no celestial kingdom without mothers"! I am so very thankful for my mom and the sweet example she has been to me! My mom would do anything she could for me! I have always know how much she loves me because, she has always told me and has done so much for me and my family! In my Precious book of letters I have many many letters from my mom to me, and my children expressing her love to us. My mom has been a perfect grandmother and my children love her more than she could ever know! My family and I will be eternally thankful for my mom and the love she has given us. Cita you are the BEST!!! There will be no one like you ever again! We are also very thankful for Tom's mother! Her life was not easy when she was raising her kids! She did not have a loving, supportive, helpful ,husband. But she always made dinner every night for her kids and did all she could for her kids and most importantly she loved her kids! We are thankful for Grandma Joan! We love you grandma Joan! Back to Mothers Day this year. Rhett was asked to speak at church on Mothers Day! What more could a mother ask for! This is the second time one of my kids spoke on Mothers Day! Rhett gave an amazing talk! He talk about Joseph Smiths mom and all she went through! I thought about her all day! How does any mom endure her trials! Talk about FAITH!!!! Talk about ENDURING to the end! Rhett also talked about his grandmother (cita) and the love he has for her! Rhett also read a poem that Posey wrote for me when Walker left on his mission! It is a beautiful poem! It reads like this...
"A Missionary Mom" By Posey Scheurn Cowart
When a young man is called to a place far away, He's mothers deep down reaction is that she wants him to stay. But she will remember that this is the Lord's plan, And what ever he needs to do, she knows he can. She brought him up in the church, so that he would make people proud, By going on a mission and converting people from every crowed. His heart full of joy and ready to tell, About the gospel, the plan and how Adam fell. As he is leaving for the best part of his life, His Mother feels her heart is being struck with a knife. She needs to have faith, even though he is gone for two years, So she starts to feel better as she sheds her last tears. As her letters to him begin to return, She realizes that the fire inside of him has begun to burn. He tells her of his experiences and how he is spreading the word, And she feels that he is the best missionary that she has ever heard! These long two years have gone by so fast, And her sweet young missionary has returned home at last. They talk about good times and also the bad, And all the spiritual experiences that they BOTH have had. And finally she asked him how he was able to over come Satan's great bomb, And shedding a tear, he simply looked up and said... I had a great mom! Posey is so talented, she has written several beautiful poems and even has had one published!
I wish I could take all the credit for the good in my kids but.... I can't! Tom has been a wonderful example to his kids. He has taught them to love and respect their mother and Tom has blessed our family in ever way! Rhett's talk was wonderful, he made me feel like, the mom I wish I was! After we got home the best of this Mothers Day was yet to come! At 2:00 that afternoon Rhett received his Patriarchal Blessing! Walker and Eric went with us as well! It was BEAUTIFUL!!!! It talked of many different talents Rhett has and so many other things that are to personal to speak of! I have always know that Rhett was special but his blessing just confirmed things for me! What a PERFECT Mothers Day gift! Then my mom, the kids and grand kids came over. Tom made Mexican food for the adults and Pancakes for the grand kids. It was a great Mothers Day! I am so thankful for each one of my kids, and I LOVE them all! My flip-flops were, cute and blingy, and the fresh cut roses out of our yard were beautiful, but.... the hand written letter from Tom That was on my nightstand when I woke up, and the wonderful talk Rhett gave and the Patriarchal Blessing was the frosting cake!
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