This weekend has been GREAT!! I have to start with our missionary!!!
We got to skype with Anziano N. Rhett Scheurn, from ITALY!!!!! It was so fantastic! SO exciting! I was on pins and needles waiting for his call! It came about 4:30 am! We hurried and ran to the computer and we saw his name badge come up and I could not answer fast enough! Rhett looked handsome as ever!! Joe, Erin and their kids came to visit and Posey and her kids came to visit!! Rhett was just amazed at how big the kids were! He just kept saying they are so big! A few of Rhett's friends came and Cita and Ralph!! This is the last call we will receive from Rhett before he comes home! Maybe I should say before we pick him up!!!!! It was fun to hear him speak Italian! I think he looks a little more Italian each time I seem him! What a cute boy! I really should of wrote all my questions down that I wanted to ask him because I forgot everything! I just miss him so much and that is all I could think about! He sounded so happy! We are so very proud of Anziano Scheurn and the great work he is doing! I could just feel his sweet, loving enthusiastic spirit! What a GREAT Mother's Day gift! Rhett I love you so very much!

We called Forrest, Rhett's most FAVORITE cousin right when Rhett called! Forrest, drove from Paradise Valley to come and visit,as his has done each time we have skype Rhett! Rhett and Forrest are so very close! It was so cute to see Forrest hug the computer when he walked in to talk! These two boys have such a special bond! Rhett was so happy he got there in time to visit! We all love Forrest and I know Rhett was so happy Forrest made it in time to see each other!
Some HAPPY faces!!!!
Rhett was so so excited to talk to Eric! Eric was an exchange student, from Brazil that lived with us Rhett's senior year of school! Eric came back to stay with us in February! Rhett told Eric he better be here when he gets off the plane when he gets home! We have loved having Eric here and he will forever be part of our family!!
I really did love to see everyone visit! We all were just shooting questions at Rhett at the same time! I am sure I got my fair share of time with Rhett but....I just did not want to say goodbye!! I MISS HIM!!!!
A little somber here!! Goodbyes are so hard to say!!!!!!
The first for "STARS"!!
Back to the day before Mothers Day! BUSY!! With eleven grandchild and one on the way...I will get back to that...four had ball games two had a play to got to..."Pinkalicious" and those two had a dance recital! Now that I have confused you!! I will explain!!
Tom and I tried to divided our time and we don't do the best job at this!! BUT we try! I will explain!!
These four are Blake and Tanya's kids! Gavin had a basketball game so.... Tom went to that game in the morning!! Tom was pretty proud as Gavin had some good re-bounds, passes and a basket or two! The other three, cute ones here....Lucy, Ellie and Gage helped Pops cheer Gavin on! Gavin Good game!!
Gage was showing off his new hair-do!! Goodbye "Justin Bieber "and hello the new "Mr. Gage"!!!
These next four "STARS"! are Joe and Erin's!
Max above was part of the cheering section for his mom and brother and two sisters Saturday!!!!! Good job cute boy!!
Erin had a flag football game! Her team won $500.00 bucks! That is impressive!
Since Erin had a ball game I took Emma and Gwen to their luncheon and play...Pinkalicious! These girls LOVED the play! I feel sure they both are going to be a "stars" someday! Actually they already are in my eyes!! We rushed home in time to get ready to go to their dance recital at four!
One proud happy daddy! Joe at Emma and Gwen's recital!! Joe left a little early to get this one to his football game at five!!!
Noah had playoffs for his Bronco football team Saturday evening! SO as soon as Tom picked his two dogs up at the pound because they got out.....that he should of just left there because it cost $265.00 dollars to get them out..... Tom went to Noah's football games! Noah's team won the first two games and lost the last! SO I guess this means Noah's team took second but....Noah is a all around winner to Pops and I! Good job Noah and those are HUGE muscles!!!!
These two cute girls had a dance recital at 4:00 pm, which I got there just in time!! I had to run to the grocery store in between the play the and the dance recital. I was trying to hurry and dropped the food off at the house quickly and I dropped a bottle of Italian dressing and it splattered all over the floor! By the time I cleaned it up I almost missed the first dance! Emma and Gwen both were in two dances and let me just say.... these two girls were darling cute!!
You could hear Gwen sing so loud and she had some serious "bump and grind" going on!
These next three "STARS" are Posey and Ben's kids! Grey above here was part of the cheering squad for his two older brothers! Brogan had a soccer game and Vance had a baseball game!! Tom and Eric went to these two games. Brogan loves soccer!! Looking pretty intense!! This was his first year to play!! Good job to "Brogs"!!!
Vance...started the season with a bang! He looks so professional here! Just miniature size! This kid loves baseball! By mid season, Vance was hitting the ball from the pitcher! Good job to Vance!
Tom managed to squeeze in a basket ball game, a soccer game, a baseball game and ended the day with two out of three football games for Noah and still got in several hours at work!!!! I had a girl day!! PHEW!!! What a day!
Tom and I are so very thankful for ALL 11 of these DARLING STARS!!!! They all are different and have their own personalities! Some get along better than other ones do. Some are a little louder some quiet in ways!....Some mind you and some don't! Some prefer to sing some prefer to dance some prefer vegetables and some prefer sweets! They all love to swim! They are so different! We love all of these kids so much and we wondered how will keep up with all of them AND.....We will have our 12th grandchild the end of December! Yes Walker and Melanie are PREGNANT!!!
Back to Mothers Day!!
What a fun but a little crazy day!
We did have a scare with my mom's husband Ralph! Due to a extremely bad head ache and high blood pressure, he ended up in the emergency room! When we were done talking to Rhett I went to the hospital. He was released by one and I was able to get him home with the help of Posey! We are still trying to get to the bottom of this! I did get to church late to celebrate with our YSA!
By the time I got home Joe was there and had started dinner! Tom and the boys made us moms a super yummy dinner! Really we all pitched in! Joe made his famous mashed potatoes, Posey made her southern style "Mac and Cheese", Tanya made cinnamon rolls that are to die for! Tom did chicken and corn out on the grill and two salads! So good! Walker and Melanie brought donuts from CALIFORNIA!! Apple fritters my favorite from the "Leucadia Donut" shop!!
The men did dishes while the kid danced for all of us! By the time Tom sat down he was exhausted from getting up at 4, church meetings and cooking and cleaning and he just kept saying..."OKAY GOODBYE EVERYONE GOODBYE"!!!! It did not seem to help much! I think that last of everyone left around 9:30 or 10:00!! It was a super hectic Mothers Day...But one I will not forget!!
I was SO thankful that all of our children and their spouses and our grandchild were all together! We are not a perfect family! We are a work in progress! It is not always easy when we all are together! But I am thankful we continue to work! Even if Anziano Scheurn was only there by skype! It is a great gift to have a missionary serving our Heavenly Father on Mothers Day! As hard as it is...It for sure makes a mother's heart so happy and proud! It is just a great experience for the grand kids to speak with their uncle as he serves! Did I say...I AM THANKFUL FOR MY FAMILY.... I LOVE ALL MY FAMILY.... Rhett did I tell you..... WHAT A GREAT EXAMPLE YOU ARE TO ALL OF US..... I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU RHETT ...AND.... THAT I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!
Oh and did I tell you Tom that you are my FOREVER "Honey Bee" !!! I AM SO VERY THANKFUL FOR MY CUTE Tom!!! Thank you for all you do for me and ALL of us!!
A HUGE thank you to all of my family for making Mothers Day so special this year!!
Walker is hoping blue...and Melanie is hoping pink!! I think it is pink....and I am always wrong so.... maybe blue!!
Oh and did I tell you....