Some of our kids skipped out before pictures!! "I am sorry....YOU SAID WHAT"!!!! "But President Andersen...I thought you prayed about callings"!!! President Andersen says. I have.... over and over and it saddened me to soon release Tom from the High Council!! I felt like he had a few more years of serving on the High Council but....The Lord has called Tom to serve else where"!! "But Tom...You will continue to serve on the High Council with his new calling until further notice".....WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!! This was pretty much the first three minutes of Tom and my interview we had with President Andersen about a month ago as we met with him!!! Tom and I knew for two weeks we had a up coming interview with President Andersen and felt sure he was going to release Tom from the High Council.... since he has been serving there for so long.... and call us both....as service missionaries in the addiction and recovery program of our church! I was wrong as always! I was not released nor was Tom... but we were called to serve in the Williams, Young Single Adult Ward! Tom Vanderwalker was called as the Bishop...Tom Scheurn was called as the First Councelor and Bud Neilsen was called to serve as the Second Counselor in the Bishopric!!It has been a crazy last month as we have led up to this day!! Try keeping this news of everyone including your kids....for a month! Well we didn't! We did tell Rhett and a few other close family members! But we did invite our kids to church at noon in the Williams Field Stake Center so....I feel sure they knew it was the YSA ward but they did not know exactly what the calling was until today!! There have been mixed emotion in so many ways!! We do know Tom Vanderwalker and his wife Pam...But we do not know Brother Neilsen and his wife Robin. We look forward to getting to know them. We were asked to arrive at 11:59 and church would start at noon. I have to say Tom and I were never so nervous! I had a feeling all of the wives would be asked to speak at this time....and for once I was right!! It is so hard to talk when you know how difficult it is for this ward to get a new Bishopric!! We were welcome by many in this ward. I was so thankful for that! I was so thankful for my family to be there to support Ton and I in our new callings! It was cute to hear some of our grand kids, in what they asked and said! After sacrament the new Bishopric was set apart and it was quite a spiritual time! President Andersen read the letter from our First Presidency...of our church, authorizing this Bishopric!! President Andersen also spoke to us three wives and told us that Heavenly Father had been watching us through this process. It was quite humbling as we sat and listen to our Stake President!! After the Bishopric was set apart...there was no time to spare when President advised us on our first training meeting that would come this week!! After church we were all drained The new Bishopric met with the old Bishopric, us wives met for a short time, and tithing and many other things had to be done before Tom could come home!! We will have our first family home evening tomorrow night with the ward!!! I am thankful that Heavenly Father has much faith in Tom and I!!! I hope I do not disappoint HIM!!! I am thankful to serve with Tom in this ward! I know Tom will be AWESOME...this ward will LOVE him! Rhett has told us how excited he will be when he gets home to have his dad in his Bishopric!! I not quite sure if he know what he is saying!!! WHAT DID RHETT SAY.... HE WILL BE IN THE YOUNG SINGLE ADULT WARD.....HOW CAN THAT BE ....RHETT YOU ARE OUR BABY!!! NO!!!! I do need to thank our kids again for the support today and the love they show us!! They know this will take up our family dinner time on Sundays most of the time but our kids have been to excited and supportive!! I want each one of our kids, their spouses and grand children to know how much we love them all! Tom and I anxious to serve with all we have and are so thankful for one another as we have shared many conversations with one another over this last month and prior to this day!! All I can say is HOLD ON WILLIAMS WARD....WE WILL DO OUR BEST AND.....WE ALREADY LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Tom and I have five children. Blake is married to Tanya and they have four children. Gavin, Lucy, Ellie and Gage. Joe is married to Erin and they have four children. Emma, Noah, Gwen and baby Max! Posey is married to Ben Cowart, and they have three boys. Vance, Brogan and Grey. Walker is married to Melanie! Rhett will be nineteen. He is going to school and preparing for a two year mission for the Mormon Church. I have been married to my "Eternal Sweetheart" Tom Scheurn, for over 33 years! We are thankful for each other, and each one of our children and their spouses! We are also extremly thankful for our grand kids, even though they can be a handful! We are thankful for ETERNAL families!
Eternal Companions!
Tom and I were "Teenage Sweethearts"! I was 15 and Tom was 17 when we met!
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