Boo, (my special name for valentina) what a great day today! It was great due to the fact that I was able to spend the day with you! Excuse me I have to go do a back flip because I am so excited.... OK I am back!You are 19 today !!!! I truly remember when you were born! You were a BEAUTIFUL baby and you only have gotten more beautiful each day as you have grown older!
Boo, I am so proud of you for going to school and making good choices! Continue to do well in school and don't forget to sprint to the end of school!
I know there have been time when you felt frustrated with certain things... but I do want to tell you a few thing that are in my heart!
First, I want you to know you are a "Daughter of God " who loves you and knows your needs and knows your heart. "He" has blessed you with the very best family who also loves you more than you know! Your Mom and Dad have given you all the tools in life to help you be successful! Not only have your needs been met ,but also most all of your wants! You are who you are because of your choices and a very loving mom, dad, brothers and your baby sister!
I know we have had many heart to heart talks and you have told me at different times some of your trails! This what I want you to know about trail! They make you a better person! If you did not have trails you would not be able to appreciate the good times! And Boo I hate to tell you this but you have not really had any big trials in life yet! Remember this "It is not about waiting for the rain it is about dancing in the storm"!
Boo ,and back to your mom! I know you have heard me say this before that when your mom was born on my 9th birthday it was the BEST present I have ever received! Tom always asks me what do you want for your birthday and I tell him every time I already have it, and it is your mom! I want you to never take her for granite! She loves you so much and does so much for you ! Even though you are 19 and living away from home know that every time you and your mom talk what ever she says to you is in your best interest and that she is telling you what is in her heart! I am so thankful and blessed to have your mom as my baby sister! I adore her!
Valentina I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate you! You ALWAYS make me feel so important and loved! When we see each other, and I see your beautiful bright face and you run toward me and hug and kiss me, I can just feel a warmth I can't describe! I love your tight squeezes!
Valentina when the time comes to be married don't settle for just anybody! Make sure you marry some one who will love you and respect you and some one you can be head over hills about! Never forget your self worth!! Keep your standards high and don't fall into worldly things!
Boo it was a great day today because we celebrated you and that is a great reason to celebrate! Happy Happy Birthday my PRECIOUS Boo, I love you with all my heart!