Wednesday, March 9, 2011


In the past few weeks or so I have thought a lot about the Priesthood in our home and what an honor it is to have in our home! I have also thought a lot about the priesthood and the healing powers that come with a honest worthy Priesthood holder! I have also witnessed the FAITH in those who are struggling with life and death situations who have relied on the priesthood to heal them through our Heavenly Father!
It has been a very very heart warming, faith building and many tears of happiness to see the Priesthood powers at work through Rhett as he serves his Heavenly Father full time!
As Tom and I took a quiet moment this morning to read Rhett's email for this week we both just wept as we read! What a special tender few minutes we had together as the spirit testified to us that Rhett was an honest worthy priesthood holder! Rhett's faith is tangible! I could see his face in this email! It was the face he had every time he made a great play on the football field or when he pinned someone in a wrestling match! It is a face that says "I can do anything"!! Tom said their is nothing in this world that could give him more joy and happiness than to hear Rhett's amazing testimony of the people he loves in Italy and the love he has for the gospel!
I did post parts of Rhett's letter on his blog but certain parts that were more personal I kept for Tom and I!
I had an email this week from someone in my family that made me feel mad, sad, and several emotions at the time! Basically the the email said that if you are not working outside your home with several degrees you were not worth much! (in a nut shell) I responded to the email but it took several hours to write an email that I could send and not be ashamed to send if the Savior read it before the person I sent it to could read it! The first few that I wrote I would not want the Savior to read! I tried in this email to explain the important role, of a mother and what her priorities should be! I also explained the role of the father! I went on to say there are situations where the mother has to work outside of the home but.... her most important calling in the world is to be a nurturing loving mother!
I would give anything to go back and do things different! People say this life is a test but... I feel like it is more of a journey trying to find our way back to our Father in Heaven! HE has provided a way but also has given us our agency to choose what paths we take! NO ONE is on a straight perfect path!!! We all have to found our way on our OWN paths! We each have different paths but we all want them to end up back with our Heavenly Father! HE LOVES US SO MUCH that HE also sent his SON to help us through the hard times! HIS SON plays a HUGE role in our path back to our Heavenly Father!
Unfortunately I have had to rely on the Savior to many times to count on to help me! I know HE sent his SON for this purpose, But.... I struggle knowing how imperfect I am! I will be an Eternal work in progress!
I was so blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom and not have to work outside my home! Then when Rhett was in school and I went back to school and started to work out of the home..... I realized it was easier to work outside the home than it is to be a stay at home full time mom!
Tom was not thrilled when I was working outside the home but supported me with my decision! Do to health reason I no longer work out side of my home but... with the calling I have had for eight years! I seem to be more busy now then when I worked in the operating room! I am sure my calling was part of his plan to help me in my life path!!
I know we need to gain all the knowledge we can while here on earth but.... that does not mean for it all to come from a University! I am thankful for that knowledge but what I am most thankful for is the knowledge I receive through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am so thankful for the chance I have been given to be a mother even though I am still trying to figure that out after almost 33 years!
I could not be more thankful for Tom and the way he exercises his priesthood and the example he is to his boys!
I am so thankful that Rhett has surrendered his self to his Heavenly Father's will and is in tuned to hear the spirit to guide him on his mission path! I know Anziano N. Rhett Scheurn will make miracles happen on his mission through the priesthood he holds! I know he will rely on his Priesthood the Savior and his Heavenly Father as he serves the people of Italy!!
What more could a mother and father want for their child!

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