"Grey-Bee Baby"!!!
Christmas weekend is over and I have to say it was a weekend to remember!
It was much lower key than it ever has been but.... it will be a memorable one for Tom and I!
I have been so so busy for the last month and a half trying to get Rhett or Anziano Scheurn ready to report to the MTC on the 15th of December and... doing all my Christmas shopping as well! So by the time Rhett left I was so tired that I felt sure Christmas must be over! BUT...It wasn't!
Of course Tom and I had some last minute shopping Christmas eve! Every year when I say I am done with my shopping for some reason I end up shopping for a few more gifts the few days before Christmas!! Thank goodness Tom and I kind of team tags the last little bit of shopping!
We had a nice Christmas eve, we took Walker and Brittany out for dinner to the Outback!It was fun we saw Joe and Erin and their kids there as well! We then ran by Walmart and headed home!
Christmas morning around ten Blake, Joe and their families, my mom and Ralph and Walker all came over for Breakfast! Tom made his famous pancakes and I made the bacon and it was as always "Fabu and Delish"
Tom had bought a new trampoline and so all the boys decided to put it together! That is when....Things got a little stressful! With all the grand kids picking up screws and then the horse got loose and we all had to go chance her and then.... Allot of time went by and the kids started getting hungry again and... Gwenie girl did not feel good so.... by the time the trampoline was done everyone was ready to go home and get some rest!
Blake and his family went home to relax and Joe and Erin went to her sisters house for dinner and Walker just stayed at our house and Brittany came over to visit with him! All though we did not get to visit to much with them because Walker had to take a nap because he had to be to work at 10:00 pm! So he rested for most of the day! I knew Tom and Walker would be hungry for dinner so I made tacos for Tom, Walker and I and the three of us set at the breakfast bar and had a quiet taco dinner complete with bottle coke and bottle root beer! It tasted so good!
Walker left for work and Tom and I had a nice evening together and watch a few TV shows we had recorded and hit the "HAY"!
This morning Walker was speaking in church so Tom and I went to listen to him speak! As always he did a great job and yes I learned so much from his talk! I actually asked him if I could copy his talk! I was so proud of him!
I thought my camera was charged BUT... it was not so I did not get any pictures except from my phone of Walker and Tom this morning and... I missed Posey so much this year at Christmas so I asked her to send me some pictures so I could post some of her Christmas with her CUTE boys on my blog!
Again I am so thankful for our Savior and for what he has done for ALL of us! As Tom and I talked last night about this Christmas and listened to the news....We heard stories of people serving those who do not have money for a Christmas dinner or the people that cook big meals and took them to police stations around the Valley and talking to Monya how there Christmas tradition every year on Christmas, they eat there Christmas dinner at Filberto's....
Tom and I really thought about what is the most important at Christmas time! I think next year Tom and I have decided to do a few things differently! Maybe we will start some new traditions some that I should of started many many years ago!I loved when Walker and I were talking Christmas Eve and we were saying how instead of saying "Merry Christmas" all through the Christmas season.... People say "Happy Holidays"! So I said to Walker .... I guess I should try to be more correct and say to people "Happy Holidays"! Walker said to me in a firm voice...."Mom don't ever take Christ out of Christmas"!
WALKER YOU ARE RIGHT.... I will always say "Merry CHRISTmas" for ever and... I will always think of Walker when I say it! What we learn from our kids!!! Walker I love you and your standards! We learned many things from your talk this morning and from the visit we had on Christmas Eve! We are so proud of you!!!