Sunday, May 8, 2011

A LOVELY... Mother's Day!

Dear the Best Mom Ever!

You are the best mom in the world. I give thanks to my Heavenly Father night and day and even afternoons and all in between. I know everyone says they have the best mother in the world but, like the fact of the matter is, I really do have the best mother in the world. You brought me into this world because you had the faith and knew that our Heavenly Father had a plan. You have done so much for me and still continue to do and do some more. When I think of all the pathetic hissy fits that I threw, I think of how inconsiderate I was. This mission is really turning me into this man beast. I know when I get home I will be a changed man. This mission is just all the better because I have a wonderful and caring mom who supports me! Not to mention how strong you are in this gospel,it is amazing as well!! I brag to everyone on my mission how my mom is better then their moms and as well as my mom doesn't take crap from anyone! Mom I am truly thankful for you! You honestly have no idea how much I look up to you and what I would do for you!! I know that after my mission you will help me with all the decisions I make! You will always be there for me and I will always be there for you! I hope you enjoy these pictures as well! I love you so so so so so so so so so much and I take that heart everywhere I go. Thank you so much again. Lots and Lots of Love. Have a Lovely Mother Day!

Love your son and Missionary,

Anziano Scheurn


In the words of Rhett... I had a LOVELY Mothers Day!!! How could I not with a letter like this! Isn't it great that my kids can look past ALL of my flaws and imperfections and show such a love!! I had a great day... All though I was some what disappointed that we only were able to talk to Rhett for about twenty five minutes via skyp and that was shared with Tom and Walker... and then on the phone for about 15 minutes and again shared minutes with family!! But it was great to see Rhett's sweet face and to hear his voice! With Rhett and my other boys when they are on their missions... It is somewhat a bitter sweet time on Mother's Day because you miss your kids as they are on missions and then you talk to them and then somehow when you could not think you miss them anymore... you find out you really do miss them even more than you did or thought!!! I MISS THIS KID!! But I could not be more happy for him and we could not be more proud of Rhett either! I know it is not easy for any young man or women to serve a mission but... I do wish Rhett had at least one member in his city to invite him in for dinner!! I know he will be a stronger person when he returns and he will be blessed as well for his hard work!

Keep "LIFTING" Anziano Scheurn... and "SPRINT" to the end...You are doing a FANTASTIC and AMAZING WORK!!
It was great to see all of my kids and their kids on Mother's Day too! Posey and Ben's little boys made me special cards and were so excited to come and give them to me. They are so funny! Vance gave me a big hug as usual... "Happy Mother's Day Mima" he said with a LOUD raspy voice! Brogan gave me a... I really do not want to give you a hug...hug but... I knew he knew it was a special day. Brogan only has real hugs for his mommy and daddy!! He for sure is a true mama boy and Grey-bie Baby was cute as well!
Walker.... LOVED my new Ed Hardy perfume... I think it is now one of my new favorites! Melanie...How did you know I LOVE nuts and chocolates!! You two are darling!!
Blake had called a few days before and asked if he could make Mother"s Day dinner for me and... It was so good! He made my favorite tacos and I have to say they were "Delish"!! Thanks Blake ever so much for sweating your _ _ _ off for me! I know it is not easy frying tacos for a group! Tanya thanks for sharing your Mother's Day! Their kids were so cute as well! Gavin had his Strippling Warrior out fit strapped on when we came in and Lucy of course had a dance for me... Elli had a few songs up her sleeve and Gage did not disappoint me with his cute....If that is what you want to call it... ATTITUDE!! That kid is funny!!
The big news came from Joe and Erin!! I was unable to go to Erin's surprise birthday dinner the night before so... Tom went for both of us! So at the end of the dinner as Tom video the toast Joe gave to Erin... At the end of the toast Joe said AND.... "we are pregnant"!! What!!!! So Tom never showed me the video until he played it for Rhett on Skpe the next morning!! So as I thought Rhett was hearing about this new baby for the first time... as well as Walker and I were hearing for the first time... I said "Rhett did you hear what they just said"?? There was loud clapping in the video so I was not sure if Rhett heard because he just sat on Skyp with a "big smile"!! Again I asked "did you hear Rhett"??? He finally just said with that "big smile"... I already knew a long time ago!!! WHAT!!!! ALONG TIME AGO???? Rhett continued to say Joe had written him to tell him that they were pregnant and since Rhett is usually the last to know that this time they wanted to let him know first!!! So then I was thinking so... How far along is Erin??? She is over four months along!!!! This Thursday they will find out what the sex of the baby will be!!
So in the words of Rhett...
I had a LOVELY Mother's Day... One I will not forget!!

*** ITS A BOY!!!!***

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