It is September 3rd, as I write this post! It has been a few years I think since I blogged but for what ever reason, I felt as tho I would write today as I have thought about so much in the last few weeks!
Change is the hardest thing for me! I HATE IT!! I am the type that when I get up in the morning I have certain things I do exactly the same each morning! I put things in the same place, I am fairly organized ect...
When I sew...I like for it to be done all at once!
When I get out the of the shower...I have a routine of facial products and certain body lotions.
I can't stand for my finger and toenails to have chipped polish! That gives me anxiety!
AND my house has to be neat and tidy!
And the list goes on!
So in this last few months there have been some changes with me!
Tom and I had tossed the idea around, for the last two or three years, of buying a smaller home. We have watched the market and looked at a few different homes. We came across a small speck home that was being build! We went and looked at it. We felt like it could work for us so, we began to pray about it.
I feel like I have never gotten a firm answer to anything I have ever prayed about. I feel like it is more like a peaceful kind of feeling is how I get answers. Anyways we felt good about this home and we went forward in buying our new home.
We did not have to sale our home to buy the new one, after several weeks we decided to go ahead and list our home to sale it! Leaving Gilbert I knew would be very hard but I just really did not realize how hard!!! My Friends and neighbors, not to mention further from my mother and little sister in Scottsdale,
We slept in our new home for the first time August 19! This is TWO days before I turned SIXTY!!!
You talk about change! IT HAS BEEN TERRIBLE TURNING SIXTY!!! I always felt like age was a number but I always thought sixty sounded old. We now I am old and I feel old! I HATE BEING SIXTY!!!
I made Tom SWEAR he would not do any surprise party! I hate parties! I prefer a family dinner and call it good!
Joe and Erin were wonderful and made a beautiful steak dinner and invited Nena and Bubba to come eat too! I LOVE CELEBRATING with my baby sister! Nena truly is the BEST gift I have ever been given on my birthday!!
The other change is our ward! I pray I will fit in and find a fun friend in the ward! We have been in the same ward for 16 years. It is hard to change!! I will miss many in my old ward!
Actually today is the first day we went to our new ward. a few friendly people came up and asked if we were new and welcomed us to the ward. Pops and I have had Gavin, Lucy, Ellie and Gage staying with us since Thursday night as their parents have been out of town, So we thought we should go to church today.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Saturday, January 23, 2016
One Proud Momma!!!
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Melanie is such a wonderful supporting wife and mother to Walker! |
In the last week Walker has received two awards!
Outstanding Patrol Officer of the year for CGPD
First Responder Award!
As Walkers Mom and Dad, we could not be more proud!!
Walker has always loved to serve and help other so it is no surprise that this is what Walker has chosen as his profession.
I continue to PRAY for Walker and all of the other public servants that serve all of us!!
Walker I love you!
Walker hate to have any attentions on him self. But as as mom....I want to share these pictures!
Did I say I was proud?
Sargent Nolan was Walkers FTO!
Walker with CGPD Rookie award.
Second award!
I will continue to carry a prayer in my heart of safety for Walker as he continues to serve!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Our Babies Are ONE!!!!
December 30.2015!
I can't help but to think, how grateful I am when I look at these beautiful twins!
Capri and Tommy are now one year old and are just perfection in every way! It was such a scary pregnancies! But I am so thankful for all the prayers that were answered!
Maebry is the best big sister too!
Mimi loves you all!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2015
When I Saw His Spurs....
Late this afternoon as I drove home alone from the mountains, It was beautiful and I was thinking how blessed I am! I noticed a low tire pressure alert come on my car and with in a minute or so my left front tire blew out! My car swerved into the left lane almost hit another car. I was able to slow down and get to the side of the road...and breath! I sat for a minute or two and called Tom. My phone went in and out of service and all he heard was blowout and accident! He took off toward the mountains as he called the highway patrol. Long story short as I was on the phone with Onstar, a kind young man pulled off and came to my window. I knew I was ok as I saw his spurs on his boots. I told Onstar to forget it,I had help! After he got the spare on, 30 minutes later Highway patrol showed up. I had given this young man 25 dollars as he was done. He did not want to take it, but I insisted, I thanked him again and shook his hand and he left, As I was talking to the Highway patrol and finishing up...He said to me, looked some money just blew out of your car! At that point, between my nerves and what ever else I just starting crying when I saw that. He asked me if I was ok and I explained to him that was the money I gave that young man! I have to say, How grateful I am for earthly angels that are right where you are when you need them! As I pulled off on to the bush highway Tom was there waiting for me! Nathan where ever you are THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Take Me Back 24 Years!
Happy Birthday Rhett!
I truly wish I could go back to each day one of my children were born! I remember each one of our children's birth! I would be so tired after surgery but yet I could not sleep for a few days with the excitement of each child! I would just imagine each of their life's! Wondered what they would do? Would they have their own families? Would they be happy! My instant LOVE was just hard to describe! I was just SO thankful for each baby we had! I never thought my love could grow or I could worry more in that moment. But I soon realize my love grows and the worry never stops!
This boy brought much happiness to my life! And now here we are.... 24 years later!
I truly wish I could go back and have more time with all my children!!
Being an "empty nester", Is really a different stage in my life! Not sure how I feel about it!! Well actually I do know....It is not the best!
With that being said, we love being grand parents, but it is not the same in any way!
(day after his birthday)
We did not plan a lunch date but we found some time that Pops and I took Rhett to lunch! Just like old times but....He is 24!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Nolan Rhett Scheurn,
Your momma LOVES you!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Our Brazilian Love!!!!!!!
wowwwwwww Tamy Scheurn and Tom Scheurn!!!!!!
How are you???????????
I miss you guys sooooooo BAAAD!
In Brazil everything have been ok, I'm working in a place from 8am to 5pm and after that, I go to School and I be there from 6pm to 11pm..
YESSSSS, VEEEEEEERYYY BUZY! tired? no, no, no just exausted.
I got another Job! I'm going to work at (Azul Linhas Aereas) its a airline company (Jet Blue) and guess what? The president of the company is Mormon, his name is David Neeleman.
I'm going to work there from 10am to 4:20pm. A LOOOOTTTT BETTER. I will be a trainee. In a year, I can do a Test to go work somewhere else, My goal it's to work in Miami, because they have a company
there(The only place in America). its really hard to get a job there... But I need to dream Big! One day.....hopefully
I love you sooooo much
how's Tom Scheurn the best cowboy is doing?
How's Rhett Scheurn and Brooke are doing? are they doing good on they married?
How's Walker Scheurn and Melanie and all they kids? How cutee are the new members of the family?? OOOOOOOOPAAAAAAA veeeryy cuuuuteeee
How's Joe Joe, Erin and the kids ?
How's Popo and Been?
How's Blake, Tania and the kids?
and Boone???
It hurts a lot how I miss you guys.
I always remember about you, riding and take care of the horses with Tom Scheurn, whatching tv shows with you, talk with you.. and the thing I most miss on you, it's your voice singing
"I'm yours","some beach"...... I miss going to walker scheurn's house and destroy him on video games haha, I Miss Rhetts Scheurn Ideas to do something and games to play.
I miss popo to go shopping with me, I Miss blake talking about ufc. And I miss joe joe with his fights.. and he always get's beat. haha I miss dinners on sundays and see everyone together
I love you guys so much
You guys always going to be on my heart
I always have some stories to tell the people from brazil.. and they always ask, but hey do you have a mom and a dad in america?
YES, I DO HAVE! I have 2 moms, 2 dads, 3 sisters and 4 brothers! a gigantic family, but I love them so much, and I dont know how to show sometimes how I love them
All my friends love when you comment on my pictures hahaha
I dont know how I gotta say thank you.
thanks for everything family Scheurn, You Guys rock!
With the biggest love EVER,100%
eric kentish(Kensack, Kent, ...)
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Melanie is a Champ!!!!!
Who looks this great after 7 weeks in the hospital!!!
Melanie was first in St. Joseph hospital and then was transferred to Chandler Regional! It was great to get her closer to home and where Auntie Erin could take care of the babies once they were born! Auntie Erin had the OR ready and waiting! This was a blessing!
This was a joyful time! Melanie was just being wheeled out of the operating room in this picture!! Tommy came first and nine minutes later our Capri came!! The twins did all they could to make it as easy as possible for their momma! So many prayers were answered in this moment. we were so happy to see these these precious babies!
Tommy weighed in at 5.10 and Capri 5.4
This was a wonderful weight for 34 week twins!
(Tommy on the right and Capri left)
LOVE this picture!!!!
I just feel like their are no words to express out thankfulness for these beautiful babies!
It was a long road for Melanie, Walker and Maebry. Many sacrifices!!
This is one proud daddy!!!
When I look at these pictures I still can't believe we have twins in our family!!!
These pictures make me smile BIG!!!!!
I think it was all setting in this moment for Walker and Melanie!!!
I would of loved to hear what Walker was thinking in this picture!
Love Tom Scheurn's face in this picture!!
The excitement we felt here! It is so strange to have TWO!!! AND to be so perfect!!
Tommy boy!!
Capri! She looks just like Maebry did at birth but just a smaller version!
This just about sums it up! I don't think Walker had much sleep the last few months prior to the twins coming between work, and visiting Melanie at the hospital!
PRECIOUS!!!!! Capri!
Daddy daughter moment!
Mimi loves capri!!
Tommy had a little rougher start!
Our little precious boy! Tommy hated this masked he had wear!!
Capri on top and Tommy below!
Capri was able to go home after a week stay, and Tommy a week later! It is so scary having a baby in the NICU and then, times it by two!
We are just so grateful! It was not easy for Melanie and Walker. So many things could of been so much worse! These little angels had been trying to come to this world at 24 to 25 weeks! Looking back on it every prayer was answered! There were times when I thought about the worse There is just no way to thank the Lord!
I LOVE these twins!
The FUN now begins!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
A Worried Mother!
Years ago as a young mother of five children and thinking about their careers when they got older... I always thought to my self how could parents, especially Mothers endure the worry of a child who was a police officer or firefighter! And here our family is...Joe a Fire Fighter and Walker a Police Officer!! My worse nightmare come true!
Every sense my kids were little, when I would hear of a death of a public servant my heart would just ache for the family. I would see the family on TV and I was always just so sad for the family and wondered how will they go on knowing their child chose this line of work and because of this they are dead! I never could get it off my mind! Their son or daughter went to work and did not come home. I know there has been other work related deaths....but they are accidents, not murders! I know it is the choice of a man or women to choose this line of work but...Why do you think they choose to be a public servant. Pay....NO. Hours.NO, for the beauty of it,NO....what a police officer or firefighter sees in a day of work is something they will never forget!!! And something we never talk about!!! It stay with them. Men and Women choose this line of work because they what to serve and protect, They take an Oath with that badge!! They put their life on the line with just about every call they go to.
People want to talk about how terrible Police officers are but, they are the first to call a Police Officer or Fire Fighter when help is needed!! Don't get me wrong there are some that might abuse their authority but, in a article I read.....It said LESS than 1% of the men and women in Blue!
So As I looked at this picture Walker had posted a few days ago I keep going back to it! Officer Stewart was called to a home to help in a Domestic Violence situation and was murdered as he walked in for no reason other than he was a cop! Just like The two officers in New York, sitting in their car eating by them selfs,. and so many others....They are murdered because they are cop, public servants and someone called them for help most of the time and all the rest of the time, again they are murdered because of the uniform!!! Just like the Fire Fighters last week in Phoenix who were called out for a welfare check and as they walked in a man open fired. Thankfully no one was killed only a life saved on the person they were making a welfare check on!
I could go on forever..and I am sure Joe and Walker will not like this post from their mother but I just can't help my self! I have never ranted on facebook before and will try not to do it again but...I do want to share why our boys and all the other men and women choose this line of work! They chose this line of work serve and protect the public.They want to help and make a difference! So this is where I have had to just surrender to God. and HIS will to protect my boys and all of there other men and women who serve and protect here in our country and all those military men and women who protect and fight for our freedoms all over the world!!!
Today I pray for Officer Stewarts family to endure their pain the best way possible and to find peace and forgiveness in their hearts in this most trying time of their lives!
Today my heart is full as I know more children are coming into Walker and Melanie's home. It is my prayer that none of my grandchildren will never have to endure the loss of their daddies!!
I could not be more proud of Joe Scheurn and Walker Scheurn!!!! I hold a prayer in my heart constantly for your safe return home to your families after EVRY shift you work!!!
Tom and will continue to pray for all the men and women who serve and protect the public!! I would encourage all to join Tom and I in this prayer!!!!
Again....May Officer Stewart Rest in Peace! We thank you for the service you gave and not only the service but your life!!! Thank you!
Every sense my kids were little, when I would hear of a death of a public servant my heart would just ache for the family. I would see the family on TV and I was always just so sad for the family and wondered how will they go on knowing their child chose this line of work and because of this they are dead! I never could get it off my mind! Their son or daughter went to work and did not come home. I know there has been other work related deaths....but they are accidents, not murders! I know it is the choice of a man or women to choose this line of work but...Why do you think they choose to be a public servant. Pay....NO. Hours.NO, for the beauty of it,NO....what a police officer or firefighter sees in a day of work is something they will never forget!!! And something we never talk about!!! It stay with them. Men and Women choose this line of work because they what to serve and protect, They take an Oath with that badge!! They put their life on the line with just about every call they go to.
People want to talk about how terrible Police officers are but, they are the first to call a Police Officer or Fire Fighter when help is needed!! Don't get me wrong there are some that might abuse their authority but, in a article I read.....It said LESS than 1% of the men and women in Blue!
So As I looked at this picture Walker had posted a few days ago I keep going back to it! Officer Stewart was called to a home to help in a Domestic Violence situation and was murdered as he walked in for no reason other than he was a cop! Just like The two officers in New York, sitting in their car eating by them selfs,. and so many others....They are murdered because they are cop, public servants and someone called them for help most of the time and all the rest of the time, again they are murdered because of the uniform!!! Just like the Fire Fighters last week in Phoenix who were called out for a welfare check and as they walked in a man open fired. Thankfully no one was killed only a life saved on the person they were making a welfare check on!
Today I pray for Officer Stewarts family to endure their pain the best way possible and to find peace and forgiveness in their hearts in this most trying time of their lives!
Today my heart is full as I know more children are coming into Walker and Melanie's home. It is my prayer that none of my grandchildren will never have to endure the loss of their daddies!!
I could not be more proud of Joe Scheurn and Walker Scheurn!!!! I hold a prayer in my heart constantly for your safe return home to your families after EVRY shift you work!!!
Tom and will continue to pray for all the men and women who serve and protect the public!! I would encourage all to join Tom and I in this prayer!!!!
Again....May Officer Stewart Rest in Peace! We thank you for the service you gave and not only the service but your life!!! Thank you!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas 2014!
Christmas get different each year! Our kids are starting to have tradition with their families. I miss getting up with my children and sharing in their excitement
So now Tom and I are to a new chapter in life!
This year we stayed at the cabin and had a quiet Christmas morning.
Grateful for the season of Christmas and what it means to me! I think I have more time to reflect on my Heavenly Father and Savior and all THEY do for me and my family!
WHat I am most greatful for is Eternal Families!
This is our Christmas tree I put up at the cabin!
We have now planted it in our yard!!
Love Tom's Christmas sox!!!
Our dear friends from Walker's mission each year send us this gift each year,
We love Jan and Hal Schiedels!!!!
Rhett and Brooke's first Christmas!
They made their own "ugly" sweaters!!
We had a fun party at Joe and Erin's house a few days before Christmas,
I had Sister Taysum make Christmas nighties for all the girls!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Ellie is EIGHT!!!!!!
This little girl is EIGHT...and keeps us on our toes!
Her favorite things in life is... playing with cousins, animals, playing basketball, going to birthday parties, singing and singing and singing!! Ellie has the most beautiful voice! We love to hear her sing!!
As we saw Ellie for the first time that morning she looked beautiful! She was in the same dress I made that Emma and Lucy were baptized in! What a fun tradition, the girls wear the same dress in the water and then I make them a special white dress of their own! Ellie was so excited and had been waiting for this special day! Ellie's dad baptized her and Pops was honored to confirm her!!

Just some super proud grandparents with their Cute Ellie!
One of Ellie's least favorite things is taking pictures! Ellie gets that from her Granny!!!!
Three Generations!
We LOVE you Ellie!!!
Love these girlies!!!!!
And Love our Pops!!
What a beautiful cold rainy morning it was....It is a day I will not forget!! Ellie we are so happy for you!
We Love you Ellie Scheurn more than you will ever know!!
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